The Key to Recovery is


Helping recovery centers keep connections strong. Ensure every person in recovery is recognized for their unique journey and needs, fostering a sense of hope and support throughout their recovery process.
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Our Story

Bee Purple was born from a deeply personal journey through recovery. Witnessing the struggles of addiction revealed how vital connection and hope are in the recovery process. Over several years, the challenges faced were significant, but strength was found through a strong support network and a renewed sense of hope.
This experience inspired the creation of Bee Purple, a platform dedicated to recognizing the unique journeys and needs of every person in recovery. Bee Purple aims to provide enhanced support systems for recovery centers, focusing on individual recognition and utilizing data-driven insights to improve the effectiveness of recovery programs.

Benefits & Features

Track Recovery Journeys

Manage each person's recovery journey. Schedule appointments and set reminders to keep support consistent. TRY NOW ➞
Calendar map

Demographic Profiles

Collect detailed demographic information to provide a complete view of each person. TRY NOW ➞

Data Insights

Gain valuable trends and insights into the recovery market, supporting your center's outreach efforts and helping demonstrate impact for future funding opportunities. TRY NOW ➞

Impact Reporting

Create custom reports to track and analyze program impact, admissions, demographics, and occupancy rates. This data can be crucial for securing future funding. TRY NOW ➞

Customizable Features

Utilize custom fields, forms, and workflows to meet the specific needs of your program. TRY NOW ➞
Quick notes

Impact Study

Healing Transitions’ Rapid Responder Program (RRP) utilizes our system to enhance outreach and support efforts effectively. Our system is instrumental in documenting client information, scheduling follow-ups, and tracking progress over time. (p.18)

Key Features of Healing Transitions' Approach

Check icon Comprehensive Documentation. Healing Transitions maintains detailed records of client demographics, assessments, and barriers to health, ensuring personalized and effective support.
Check icon Efficient Scheduling. The system helps create and manage follow-up schedules, ensuring timely and consistent contact with clients.
Check icon Progress Tracking. By monitoring client progress, the program can adapt its support strategies to better meet individual needs.
Check icon Data-Driven Insights. The ability to generate reports allows for informed decision-making, continuously improving policies and procedures.
Check icon Organized Outreach. Following daily reports from Wake County EMS, the system organizes and prioritizes follow-up attempts, ensuring those with the highest need receive the most attention.
Check icon Consistent Client Contact. Frequent and organized communication with clients helps build trust and provides ongoing support tailored to their recovery journey.
Check icon Detailed Records. The approach ensures all interactions and outreach attempts are meticulously recorded, aiding in understanding trends and improving client outcomes.

Join us in creating a better future for those in recovery.

Try Bee Purple today and be part of a community dedicated to making a difference.